In this complex world where there is a great deal of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, leaders need to be able to build relationships and build an environment of psychological safety to get the most out of their teams.

To become a leaders, most people must be able to build relationships to create a record of accomplishment to earn the trust of their organizations. Sometimes once in these roles, leaders become so comfortable that they lose sight of how these skills are needed more than ever.

What makes me different from other coaches is that I focus on why.  Adults often will not learn new skills or change their style until they see a reason to do so.  Every year, millions of training dollars are wasted teaching employees what to do without considering the why.  I focus on the why before addressing the what and how.

Effective coaching requires a connection between the coach and client.  As a leader with titles such as Chief Information Officer and Purchasing Director, I can relate to them.  I know what is needed to be successful in a corporate environment.


I offer executive coaching and leadership training for corporations including (click on items for more information):

I am certified to adminiter: Hogan Assessments, MBTI, Clark Wilson 360, and the Energy Leadership Index.

I do business as LLC, which is a certified minority business by New York City. Our Certificate Number is: MWCERT2015-482

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